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Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever

Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever
Listen to the Stinker Madness Episode

Watch the Whole Movie!....kinda but don't bother watching it anyways.

An Internet meme gets its own movie which is supposed to be a Christmas movie but isn't. How long will it be before Lifetime calls us for the first Stinker Madness movie?

This film sucks, even by Lifetime Channel or made for TV standards. It's truly torturous. Strike one is talking animals. Strike two is the unending "jokes" that Grumpy Cat makes usually involving breaking the 4th wall. Strike three is the movie has nothing to do with Christmas. Take the Christmas decorations out of the mall and the movie remains completely unchanged. Even Kirk Cameron can make a movie about Xmas.

Grumpy Cat is innocent. Its just a cat. It didn't write the film. You know, the owners of Grumpy Cat aren't really to blame either as they are just giving the people who like this type of crap what they want. The blame of why this film sucks and is a horrible use of an hour and a half of time falls directly on the people who think movies should be played as background noise. Fans of country music also fall into this category. Instead of treating films as art, they treat them as filler for the moments in their lives while their game loads on their phone. 

At no point does this movie not piss you off. It's insulting to your intelligence and an offense on humor. While its not Grumpy Cat's fault, you still want to punt the stupid thing across the room. Yes this film will make you want to commit violence on innocent little critters. All of your morals will be thrown under the bus may lead some to murder. Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever may need to be confiscated by Homeland Security for the safety of us all. 

Boo this movie and boo fans of Grumpy Cat.

Individual Ratings:

Over the top action:1-star
Cheesy effects:0-star
Horrendous acting:4-star
Ridiculous stunts:0-star
Gratuitous nudity:0-star
Memorable one-liners:0-star

Overall Ratings:

Good Movie Quality: 2-star
Bad Movie Quality:0-star

Prelude to Dreamcatcher
Prelude to Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever

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Comments 1

Guest - FelixRay on Sunday, 29 December 2019 03:06

Anyone who doesn't like this movie isn't wrong, but when you start to pan it, you careen into stupid territory pretty quickly. This reminds me of the David Sardaris bit of the nasty theater critic who pans children's christmas pageants.

"Strike one is talking animals."

That's because it's a talking animal movie.

"Strike two is the unending "jokes" that Grumpy Cat makes usually involving breaking the 4th wall."

I'm sorry, does Aristotle have a problem with that?

"Strike three is the movie has nothing to do with Christmas."

Are you F***KING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? I could talk about the magical Christmas coin, but who gives a shit?

This is essentially every dumb Hallmark Christmas movie you've ever seen, with a talking cat who does an internal MST3K monologue. It hits all the required sappy holiday notes, and mocks them at the same time. It's a spoonful of medicine, to help the sugar go down. Not for everyone, but I've enjoyed it at least twice every year for six Christmases.

Anyone who doesn't like this movie isn't wrong, but when you start to pan it, you careen into stupid territory pretty quickly. This reminds me of the David Sardaris bit of the nasty theater critic who pans children's christmas pageants. "Strike one is talking animals." That's because it's a talking animal movie. "Strike two is the unending "jokes" that Grumpy Cat makes usually involving breaking the 4th wall." I'm sorry, does Aristotle have a problem with that? "Strike three is the movie has nothing to do with Christmas." Are you F***KING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? I could talk about the magical Christmas coin, but who gives a shit? This is essentially every dumb Hallmark Christmas movie you've ever seen, with a talking cat who does an internal MST3K monologue. It hits all the required sappy holiday notes, and mocks them at the same time. It's a spoonful of medicine, to help the sugar go down. Not for everyone, but I've enjoyed it at least twice every year for six Christmases.
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