• Dancing Ninja

    Dancing Ninja

    The Hoff didn't hassle any ninjas but man did he dance! We discuss how we should have hated this, High School Musical guy, David eating the hamburgers, babies in treasure chests, street katana dance exhibitions, ninja try-out day, DDR, crotch force, the Kung Fu Ninjacizer and its earlier prototypes, LaDOUCHE!, 24 Hour Fight Channel, Mooka-Choka-Mooka-Mooka Hooked on a Feeling, Seagal, JCVD, Jet Li and Chuck Norris bombs, and the Plain of Enlightenment. Read More
  • A Murder of Crows

    A Murder of Crows

    Step 1: Write a best selling novel. Step 2: Give it to a guy and have him claim its authorship. Step 3: Shoot him? We discuss the horrendously stupid plot, boobs for establishment, Matlock, Johnny Cochrane, moving to Key West, disguising as a wax figure, how publishing works, banging your publisher, THE CROWS!!!, ditching the cops in your garden, how computers work, powder burns and we answer the movies biggest question - Does Lawson Russell go free? Read More
  • Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying

    Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying

    The old phobia group gets a free flight to Hawaii but one of them is a terrorist heister plot. Seen it a million times. We discuss Craig Scheffer, Jennifer Beals, Jackie not knowing who Jennifer Beals is, phobia groups at the airport, milk, bad guys on a plane, rubber snakes on a plane, dookie hitting the fan, captain craps, knife hands, Sea-Tac to LAX, party girl in the overhead trick, B-52 bombardiers, and another kid gets a new mom. Read More
  • Supervized


    Bengay stinks less. We discuss Berenger, Gossett, and Bridges just taking that cash, stale old people farts and stale old people fart jokes, Bubba Ho-Tep, rainbows vs the moon, super hero sex rampage, downwardly managed powers, why are they even in here?, what's the moat?, Nightcrawler, Homelander, Scarlet Witch, Flash team-up, the Russian's powers, not understanding what a retirement home is, lasers, pool cue rectal surgery, and an absolute despisal of this movie. Read More
  • Fanatic


    Vinny D swerves out of his lane, faces rejection, sexual shame, stalks a woman and talks to himself in the mirror. Oh yeah and he drives a cab. Sound familiar? Except this time, Travis B is the hero. I don't know about this. We discuss cans at Cannes, Joe Spinell, David Winter, heads falling off from age, bad tower dates, accidentally shooting your host in the head, the Ladies of Dracula, and how this plot could actually work. Read More
  • Fair Game

    Fair Game

    It manages to be dumber than Gigli, but has twice as much turkey time. We discuss Salma Hayek owning her shit, Dan Hadaya telling everyone he didn't appear in this movie, Joel Silver's lack of butt touching, getting the boat in the divorce, Billy B's bad cop/inept cop game, Internet in the car in 1995, hacking in 1995, Radio Shack, Jeep Wagoneers, Cindy C's boobs, pork in the truck and porking on the train, shooting a dude with your cans out, bad running, providing the means to your own end and OMG this is a clinic on The Idiot Plot. Read More
  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    It's Bollywood time so that's either a warning or an invite. Hope you all like filler! We discuss Chaka Khan, Bollywood's cash machine, mudwater fights, thievery, cartoon comedy, drunk Popeye, human pyramids, dancing competitions, Danny Ocean, how to woe the ladies (with sexism!), how to kill your teammate, telepathic elevators, Plan A is Plan B, but also Plan C, and the only way out of Dubai with diamonds is by becoming a jewel/goldsmith. Read More
  • Elves


    And you thought Christmas with your racist uncle was bad? Kirsten has the worst one of all time. Plus a possibly drunk Grisly Adams! We discuss Kirsten needing stitches, Kirsten getting slapped twice, Kirsten losing all her money, Kirsten getting perved on, Kirsten's cat getting murdered, Kirsten getting sexually harassed at work, Kirsten getting pinned for murder, Kirsten's only friends getting murdered, Kirsten finding out she's the product if incestuous rape, Kirsten having her house fill up with dead Nazis, Kirsten getting raped by a troll and Kirsten getting pregnant with the Anti-Christ. Read More
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Stinker Madness - Bad Movie Podcast

The only place to come for Stinkers (bad movies)

Stinker Madness is a bad movie comedy podcast that loves horrible films that might actually be wonderful little gems. Or they could suck. We do our best to filter out the good movies from the bad films and pass the savings on to you. It's our goal to find the best worst movies of all time.

Here you can listen to all episodes of the Stinker Madness podcast where we review bad movies. You'll also find access to download or stream each of our episodes. Be sure to comment and give us your thoughts on the show and movies.

With 2 episodes each week and at least four cult, budget and "bad" movies reviewed each week, this is the show for the true bad movie lover.

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What the folks are saying...

  • If you like HDTGM and The Flophouse ... Read More
    Making bad movies better ... you’ll love Jackie, Sam, and Justin’s takes on the best bad movies ever made. These three friends are funny, irreverent, knowledgeable, and totally woke — and they cut up about crappy films like pros. They may not fill auditoriums with paying fans on live gigs like How Did This Get Made, but they give just as good wit and wisdom as those guys, all from their mid-Western basement surrounded by corgis. And nobody makes a bad joke quite as endearing as Jackie. Thanks for the great entertainment, guys! Keep it coming!
  • They know a stinker when they see it Read More
    If We Made It This is a really great podcast about stinky movies. Stinkers, if you will. They cover the classics and new stinkers, sometimes with amazing guests. Keep it up, Stinker Madness!
  • The Movies May Be Stinkers, But This Show is Roses Read More
    Lityippee If you are looking for a good time listening to people talk about bad movies, then this is for you. The movies are as obscure as some of the references used by the hosts, but that is what makes it enjoyable. These guys, and lady, are hitting their stride and making a quality podcast. Keep up the good work.
  • An absolute blast Read More
    Second Class Cinema This show is a ton of fun. For real. As a bad movie procurer myself, these are the opinions I care about.
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