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Turkey Shoot

Turkey Shoot

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The deadliest game comes to Stinker Madness once again in the form of Ozploitation with 1982's Turkey Shoot. Brian Trenchard-Smith delivers a classic stinker with some seriously insane sequences and a hell of lot of fun.

Turkey Shoot has a reputation for being pretty hardcore with heavy exploitative tones and excessive gore. We're not really seeing it. This is a fairly tame movie (in relative terms) to other "exploitation" films (see Cannibal Ferox, Mad Foxes, Killer Elephants et al.) So no one should go into this one thinking they are gonna get really offended or grossed out.

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Prelude to Turkey Shoot

Prelude to Turkey Shoot

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Watch the Whole Movie!

Finally we get to another Ozploitation film.  This time it comes in the form of a dystopian society that hasn't learned to "NEVER HUNT A MAN" in Turkey Shoot or Escape 2000 from Brian-Trenchard Smith. The full movie is finally on YouTube so be sure to watch this one. It's a hoot.

Streaming Do's and Don'ts

The Worst Sports Movies We've Ever

  • Ed - The further we get away from Ed, the more we like it. It's a strange phenomenon.
  • No Holds Barred - Imaginary Non-People Sanctioned Street Fighting on TV
  • The Babe - John Goodman stars as Babe Ruth and it completely doesn't work. Hokey and cheesy.
  • Over the Top - Arm Wrestling Truckers....that's a sport right? Ruining your child's future may also be a sport.
  • Rocky V - Rocky is suddenly poor....after defeating Communism...huh...
  • Mathilda the Boxing Kangaroo - How did Eliott Gould get involved in this? Future Stinker Madness episode
  • The Fish that Saved Pittsburgh - People born under the sign of pisces team up to save basketball in Pittsburgh with their star powers...Future Stinker Madness episode.

The Great Super Power Debate

Immunity to poison gas - 2.5 out of 10

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Bad Taste

Bad Taste

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LOTR director Peter Jackson directs and stars (with 2 roles) in Bad Taste, a film so amazing it took 4 years to make and was banned in Australia.

This movie tells the tale of the Protectors of Earth as they take on the evil Lord Crumb and his evil fast food employee horde. Can Derek defeat Crumb or is the yummy goodness of human meat just too much to ignore? Will Crumb's Country Delights take over in market share? Will the board of directors see increased profits? How does Barry keep such an excellent beard for 4 years? Your questions are answered, when Mark guests with Jackie and Justin.

Individual Ratings:

Over the top action:
Cheesy effects:
Horrendous acting:
Ridiculous stunts:
Gratuitous nudity:
Memorable one-liners:

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The Man from Hong Kong

The Man from Hong Kong

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Bad movie authority Roman finally joins us in the studio as we view and yammer about the Ausploitation awesomeness that is The Man From Hong Kong. Are there any stuntmen or actors alive in Australia after this seriously dangerous movie?!?!

This movie features some of the craziest stunts we've ever seen and it's a wonder anyone made it out of it. There is a car chase scene that is completely epic, hang glider accidents, Spider-Man building climbing, ninja fights, burning men and so much more. Plus, Jigsaw rocks!

Seriously worth watching since it's free on YouTube!

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Prelude to The Man From Hong Kong

Prelude to The Man From Hong Kong

Listen to the Stinker Madness Episode

Watch the Whole Movie!

Presented by Fifty Shades of Brown, the story of two lovers tied together by raunchy flatulents.

We gear up for an ass-kicker of a movie in The Man From Hong Kong or Dragon Flies. We also review more Netflix and Amazon Instant Movies, more ongoing movie trivia and perhaps the best opening commercial we've ever done - Fifty Shades of Brown trailer.

Netflix Do's and Don'ts

Movie NameSummaryIMDBNetflixAmazonJustinJackieSamTotal

The Serpent and the Rainbow

An anthropologist goes to Haiti after hearing rumors about a drug used by black magic practitioners to turn people into zombies.

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