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Final Justice

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You think you can take me? Well go ahead on and watch this stinker from Greydon Clark.

"Final Justice" (1984) is a film that occupies a peculiar space in the action genre, and how much you'll enjoy it hinges heavily on your tolerance for low-budget absurdity. At the center of this bizarre movie is Joe Don Baker's portrayal of Thomas Jefferson Geronimo, a tough-as-nails Texas cop who, unfortunately, ends up being more laughable than intimidating. Baker’s Geronimo feels like a caricature of every 1980s action hero, but without the charisma or the compelling edge needed to pull it off. Instead, we're left with a character that stumbles through the movie with more groans than grins.

The action sequences, intended to be thrilling, often border on the ridiculous, with character decisions that are so baffling they verge on parody. Whether it's Geronimo's relentless pursuit of criminals across Europe or the frequent and illogical shootouts, the film constantly challenges the suspension of disbelief. And yet, these moments might be where some viewers find their entertainment—if you're into movies that are so bad they’re good, this could be your thing.

Unfortunately, much of the film is bogged down by long stretches of tedium, where plot elements are repeated to the point of exhaustion. What might have been intended as humorous instead feels like a never-ending loop of dullness. The narrative itself is a mess, a baffling mix of cop clichés and bizarre plot twists that don't seem to lead anywhere meaningful.

In the end, "Final Justice" is a movie that might appeal to a niche audience who enjoys dissecting and mocking bad cinema. But for most, it’s likely to be an exercise in patience. If you have a taste for the absurdly bad and can appreciate it for its sheer ridiculousness, there might be something here for you. Otherwise, you may find yourself wishing for a more competent action flick.

Individual Ratings:

Over the top action:2-star
Cheesy effects:1-star
Horrendous acting:3-star
Ridiculous stunts:2-star
Gratuitous nudity:3-star
Memorable one-liners:3-star
Nonsensical Plot:3-star


Overall Ratings:

Good Movie Quality: 2-star
Bad Movie Quality:6-star


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