A fairly accurate look into the life and mind of the bum that captures the essence of the transient; 100% crazy. Take a bunch of homeless people and then stuff them full of the worst alcohol ever created and watch them melt. Plus many not safe for children topics including penis keep-away...wait what?
Street Trash really isn't for everyone. On many levels, it is almost too morally offensive. There's several sequences that are almost too uncomfortable. These bums are horrible, horrible people. They truly care about nothing but themselves and have as little regard for human life as Dr. Josef Mengele. Enter at your own risk and do not bring a date to a viewing of Street Trash.
If you can not only suspend your disbelief but also suspend your revulsion of disgusting people, there's alot of good stuff here. Spoiler Alert - This movie is "about" melting bums. There's a batch of hard alcohol called Viper that when consumed turns your insides-out and makes your guts turn into spectacular colored paint. Very interesting. Melting bums are the least gross thing in this film. That's how awful the actions of these bums are.
While very entertaining, the dialogue in this film is another aspect into the mind of the bum. It makes absolutely no sense. It feels like everyone is just winging it when they showed up on set each day. It's mostly bum gibberish. Pretty awesome.
While horribly offensive, including instances of rape, murder, racism to Asians, sexual offensiveness to women, people getting peed and puked on, necrophilia, again...the penis keep-away scene, the presentation of this film is so bonkers and poorly made that Street Trash is still a going to get a recommendation from us. Just go in tentatively and with the right audience.
Over the top action:
Cheesy effects:
Horrendous acting:
Ridiculous stunts:
Gratuitous nudity:
Memorable one-liners:
Good Movie Quality:
Bad Movie Quality: