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Prelude to Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

Prelude to Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
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Coming soon from Stinker Studios - Vampires and Vixens, the Russ Meyer movie they didn't want you to see!

We prepare this week for the rated X Russ Meyer classic, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Jackie recently saw "Life Itself", the documentary about Roger Ebert and now she thinks Beyond the Valley of the Dolls may be the greatest thing to ever exist. Sam and Justin have already seen it and are on shaky ground. Who will be rewarded? Hopefully YOU, dear listener!

Streaming Do's and Don'ts

  • Hot Boyz
  • Wolfcop
  • Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead
  • Hawk's Vengeance

thurman and lalaSpecial Guests - The Thurman and Lala Podcast

Sean and Steve from The Thurman and Lala Podcast join us in studio to discuss how you can spot a bad movie within minutes of it starting. These very funny guys are completely worth checking out if you like a helpful of good laughs on your Mondays.

Listen to The Thurman and Lala Podcast:


About Beyond the Valley of the Dolls - Movie Information

Sam's Boring Bullshit

Directed by Russ Meyer

Meyer directed various amateur films from the age of 15.  In WW2 he served as a US army combat camera man for the 166th signal photo company.  The 166th Signal Photo Company was the official photo unit in General George S. Patton’s Third Army during World War II. Those serving with the US Army Signal Corps’ 166th Photographic Unit landed in Normandy with the 29th Infantry Division. Many of the unit’s veterans, such as Russ Meyer and Stanley Kramer,  had success in the world of cinema and photography.  Stanley Kramer of course being the auteur of some of the more famous Message Movies such as The Defiant Ones and Look Who’s Coming to Dinner

Meyer also had a message and that message was boobs.  Reading you loud and clear Russ… Tune In Tokyo…

Beyond Meyer’s fixation with huge cans, his films also prominently feature a flagrant lampooning of American Values, or those being pushed contemporary to his films.

It was in World War II that, according to Meyer, he found himself at a French brothel with Ernest Hemingway who, upon finding out that Meyer was a virgin, offered him the prostitute of his choice. Meyer picked the one with the largest breasts.

Meyer was also known for his quick wit. While participating with Ebert in a panel discussion at Yale University, he was confronted by an angry woman who accused him of being "nothing but a breast man." His immediate reply: "That's only the half of it."

Film historian Jimmy McDonough posits that Russ Meyer's usage of physically and sexually overwhelming female characters places him in his own separate genre. He argues that despite portraying women as sex objects, Meyer nonetheless depicts them as more powerful than men and is therefore an inadvertent feminist filmmaker.

Meyer owned the rights to nearly all of his films and spent the majority of the 1980s and 1990s making millions reselling his films on the home video and DVD market. He worked out of the very same Los Angeles, California home he lived in and usually answered the phone to take orders himself.


"King of The Nudies"
"I Was Glad to Do It"


MARCH 21, 1922
SEPT. 18, 2004

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Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

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