In 1981, Faye Dunaway took the role of Joan Crawford and then thought she was on a one way track to Oscar Town. Instead, her completely unbelievable performance bought her a bus ticket to Razzieville. We take on this cult classic and try to determine the ultimate question of "Is it really that bad or good?"
So there's truly only one thing to talk about regarding this film. It's Faye Dunaway's performance. So much has been said about this role and her completely ridiculous take on being an insane person. You can't take her seriously. The character is doing completely horrible things that bear no semblance to anything a rational person would do but Faye's take on it is outlandish. It's impossible and by far the most interesting part of the whole damn thing. Unfortunately, her freak outs are too few and far between.
The rest of the film is painfully uninteresting. You're stuck wading through mooping around waiting for Joan to drink to much and throw a tissy fit. It's poorly paced, poorly written, and poorly edited. Characters disappear, others age at different speeds, makeup failed, plot points are dialed down (Joan's revolving lover door, her excessive drinking, her random insane speeches) and throughout you're disappointed because it's tedious but seriously not as bad as billed. The shots are well done, set design is great and directing is competent. It's truly not bad enough.
So here's the deal. This film won "Worst Film of the Decade" by the Razzies. You morons....Over the Top, Can't Stop the Music, and Xanadu are by far worse movies. By far. I'm not even sure that this should have won Worst Picture for it's year. It's just not good. That's it. Not that bad, not good. Its along the lines of Gigli. Really? Thanks for the waste of time, world.
Over the top action:
Cheesy effects:
Horrendous acting:
Ridiculous stunts:
Gratuitous nudity:
Memorable one-liners:
Good Movie Quality:
Bad Movie Quality: