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Masters of the Universe

Masters of the Universe
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Good journey! Ever wanted He-Man to leave Eternia and show up in YOUR town. Well this week he does just that along with the rest of his goons and Skeletor..ish.

There's some really dumb bits about this film but they are so dumb that they makes it fun. The costumes are just as ridiculous as the special effects and the set designs. There is some pretty rad action sequences that are pretty laughable such as the Centurions who have some flying jet-skis that look pretty bad. However the laughs are few and far between as the movie mostly consists of some guys wandering around and groan-worthy moments of the Eternia people not understanding life on Earth.

Unfortunately, He-Man himself kinda blows. He's more of a gun-guy than a sword wielding power-man. Dolph Lundgren (He-Man) does his best with his very limited English speaking abilities so it's really not his fault. It just seems like no one involved had a concept of who He-Man was or had ever seen what he's all about. I understand that the budget was very minimal to work with but instead of just using the budget to get as close to He-Man as possible, they instead just change the character to fit with other action movies. It just doesn't work.

In the end, this film is quite bad. The character motivations are dubious and if you take the time up to come up with your own theories about what they are trying to achieve, you're left with a plot that's got some pretty big plot holes. The acting is wonky, especially with Frank Langella and Meg Foster. But truly the primary problem is that it's just too damn boring, unless you like movies about people wandering to and fro with little aim.

Individual Ratings:

Over the top action:2-star
Cheesy effects:4-star
Horrendous acting:3-star
Ridiculous stunts:1-star
Gratuitous nudity:0-star
Memorable one-liners:2-star

Overall Ratings:

Good Movie Quality: 3-star
Bad Movie Quality:5-star

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Comments 2

Guest - Clauzy on Tuesday, 11 August 2020 15:20

Just discovered this podcast, loving it so far listened to the two Masters of the Universe ones, have a lot of catching up to do . Thought yous were a bit harsh on the film, yeah it was shite, but very enjoyable at the same time. It did ruin He-man, especially if you were fab, I was always on the fance with He-man. If you look at it as a stand alone sword & planet film, it's OK with large chunks of horse shit but loads of fun cheese. Maybe I rated it a bit high on IMDB 7 out of 10, maybe more a 6/10. One redeeming quality Det. Lubic if you have or had or might have a stinker madness awards he has to be nominated for best (cheesiest) character in a minor role for 1987. Sorry this comment is a bit all over the shop. Excitement to have found fellow what I call "Raw movies" lovers. Hello from Ireland

Just discovered this podcast, loving it so far listened to the two Masters of the Universe ones, have a lot of catching up to do :p. Thought yous were a bit harsh on the film, yeah it was shite, but very enjoyable at the same time. It did ruin He-man, especially if you were fab, I was always on the fance with He-man. If you look at it as a stand alone sword & planet film, it's OK with large chunks of horse shit but loads of fun cheese. Maybe I rated it a bit high on IMDB 7 out of 10, maybe more a 6/10. One redeeming quality Det. Lubic if you have or had or might have a stinker madness awards he has to be nominated for best (cheesiest) character in a minor role for 1987. Sorry this comment is a bit all over the shop. Excitement to have found fellow what I call "Raw movies" lovers. Hello from Ireland :D
Stinker Madness on Tuesday, 11 August 2020 15:26

You have a lot of catching up to do, good sir and/or madam! Much like the movies, the podcast was quite rough in the beginning. You're in for a lot of fun and we are happy to have you join us and some of our favorite fans come from across the pond so welcome!

You have a lot of catching up to do, good sir and/or madam! Much like the movies, the podcast was quite rough in the beginning. You're in for a lot of fun and we are happy to have you join us and some of our favorite fans come from across the pond so welcome!
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