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Gas-s-s-s! - or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It

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When you cut in some psychedelia in the editing booth, your film isn't psychedelic, you just have a movie pile. Gas-s-s-s! misses the mark by about a mile, unless your goal was to one day have proof that the Baby Boomers were completely up their own asses and should never talk about other generations again.

The setup of the film is an interesting idea with the apocalypse coming and the meek inheriting the Earth - with one major problem, the meek are anyone under 25 and goosed on pot, free love and ego. From there you follow a group of bohemians travelling across Texas to a final destination of Barter Town.

Either Corman wanted to make statements about how awful the young Baby Boomers were or was clueless on how awful his antagonists were. This group of hippies we are stuck with rival the St. Elmo's kids as for being terrible people. They're racists, rapists, and only care about themselves, yet are presented as the ones that are going to change the world for the better, ie "break the wheel" ala Khalessi. Yet at no point are their terrible attributes addressed in anyway other than comedically. So prepared to be angry.

Sadly, the movie is pretty horrible - but still must be viewed. It's like having to watch a snuff film so that you can have evidence in a murder trial. Yes it is soul-crushing to view, but it must be done. This is an important film that changed the landscape of budget movies that still is in place today. But try not to throw your remote through the TV.

Individual Ratings:

Over the top action:1-star
Cheesy effects:2-star
Horrendous acting:2-star
Ridiculous stunts:0-star
Gratuitous nudity:2-star
Memorable one-liners:0-star
Nonsensical Plot:3-star


Overall Ratings:

Good Movie Quality: 2-star
Bad Movie Quality:3-star

Pass Thru
Men of War

Comments 3

Guest - Timothy Leary on Thursday, 23 January 2020 00:23

I came to this podcast wanting to hear a review (pro or con) of this film and what I got was a PC sermon from Millennials who "prepare to be mad" about everything. I suppose I will not listen to anymore episodes considering the Snowflake Syndrome is dominant here. And no, I am not a Boomer. I am a Gen X'er who appreciates the Grindhouse / Sleaze / Drive-In movies of the 70s in all their hedonistic glory. Get over yourselves! Jesus Christ ... FFS. It's aan absurd comedy movie! Go protest to the President of Evergreen College or something and let him embrace your sensitivity.

I came to this podcast wanting to hear a review (pro or con) of this film and what I got was a PC sermon from Millennials who "prepare to be mad" about everything. I suppose I will not listen to anymore episodes considering the Snowflake Syndrome is dominant here. And no, I am not a Boomer. I am a Gen X'er who appreciates the Grindhouse / Sleaze / Drive-In movies of the 70s in all their hedonistic glory. Get over yourselves! Jesus Christ ... FFS. It's aan absurd comedy movie! Go protest to the President of Evergreen College or something and let him embrace your sensitivity.
Stinker Madness on Thursday, 23 January 2020 00:32

We are really sorry that some people on the internet really screwed up your game plan. We'll try to do a better job of appeasing super sensitive twits in the future. We were simply trying to call out hypocrisy but instead we should have celebrated rape culture more.

Also we won't miss you. Kindly, fuck off.

The hosts of Stinker Madness

We are really sorry that some people on the internet really screwed up your game plan. We'll try to do a better job of appeasing super sensitive twits in the future. We were simply trying to call out hypocrisy but instead we should have celebrated rape culture more. Also we won't miss you. Kindly, fuck off. The hosts of Stinker Madness
Stinker Madness on Thursday, 23 January 2020 00:52

We were also all born in the 70s. Have a nice future.

We were also all born in the 70s. Have a nice future.
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