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A Star is Born

A Star is Born
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Is this the hardest to watch film of all time? The answer is yes. This movie sucks, isn't about anything, and it's 2 and a half hours of the worst person to ever live. We cut this things to ribbons and you'll like what we have to say.

Essentially, the entire movie is about Barbara Streisand's ego. From the very first time you see her, she is hamming it up the entire time and placating to the camera. She's like a teenage girl with a webcam and a hair brush pretending to be a microphone. Its horrendously hard to watch. 

Kris Kristopherson portrays the worst "rock star" in music history. He can't complete a song on stage without walking off, pissing off the audience or really even having more than one song. No one would go to this guy's concert, no matter how awesome his songs might be in theory. He can't complete a song. 

The whole film is completely unbelievable (two rock stars can build architectural masterpiece in the span of a week?), the dialogue is atrocious (I made beef and biscuits for breakfast) and we can't find anything romantic about it anywhere (they take a weird bath with Schiltz beer can candle-holders, he cheats on her with someone even less attractive than Streisand and she appears to use him just to launch her career). This is a big fan don't watch movie. 

Individual Ratings:

Over the top action:1-star
Cheesy effects:0-star
Horrendous acting:4-star
Ridiculous stunts:1-star
Gratuitous nudity:0-star
Memorable one-liners:1-star

Overall Ratings:

Good Movie Quality: 2-star
Bad Movie Quality:0-star

Prelude to Damnation Alley
Prelude to A Star is Born

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Comments 2

Guest - Geoff on Sunday, 14 June 2015 13:39

Hey just found your site so I'm going through your back catalogue. Good stuff. One thing, it's not Josh Brolin who's married to Barbara Streisand, it's his father, James Brolin. Stands to reason because Josh Brolin could be his son, and James Brolin is around her age.

Hey just found your site so I'm going through your back catalogue. Good stuff. One thing, it's not Josh Brolin who's married to Barbara Streisand, it's his father, James Brolin. Stands to reason because Josh Brolin could be his son, and James Brolin is around her age.
Stinker Madness (website) on Monday, 12 October 2015 17:40

Whoops! Good catch. Although as old as Josh Brolin is looking these days, I wouldn't have been surprised....

Whoops! Good catch. Although as old as Josh Brolin is looking these days, I wouldn't have been surprised....
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