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The Official Streaming Movies Do's and Don'ts (Netflix and Amazon Prime)

The Official Streaming Movies Do's and Don'ts (Netflix and Amazon Prime)

Welcome to the future and let's face it, we don't watch movies on DVD, Blu-Ray, on TV or even in the theater that much anymore. Because we live in the future we have access to an unprecedented amount of films that we have seen, are familiar with and, for the most part, never heard of. A lot of us are left with choosing movies online solely based off the cover art. We call this "rolling the dice". Well we've done our best to take the guess work out of it for you and present each week in our 0.5 (prelude) episodes of our Stinker Madness podcast the films we've watched on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Crackle, and YouTube during the week. If we like it we give it a Do, if not we give it a Don't. If we are indifferent - then you're on your own.

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Streaming Do's and Don'ts

Movie NameSummaryIMDBNetflixAmazonJustinJackieSamTotal

The Devil's 8

A federal agent rounds up eight convicts to help fight a vicious moonshine gang.

Heavily recommended to us by a good source, but a disappointment to us. Boring, confusing, and weird as hell. But the theme song at the end that explains the plot is pretty awesome. A perfect RiffTrax option.

IMDB PageWatch NowDevil's EightNoNoNo0/3

Invasion of the Bee Girls

A powerful cosmic force is turning Earth women into queen bees who kill men by wearing them out sexually.

Totally weird and a complete cut & paste of 70's b-movies. William Smith is awesome. There's tons of boobs. And it's REALLY silly. And yes they are made of bees.

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